A few weeks ago I was doing a study about gamers. Well, I have another study for you, and this time everyone can take part! It is a study about the causes of Internet Addiction (a.k.a. Pathological Internet Use).
I need 30 surveys filled out, and I thought "Hey, where better to find some internet addicts (like myself) than on a message board full of them?!".
If you would like to participate in this study, please follow the following steps:
a) Download the Word document below
b) Take the standardized Internet Addiction Test on the first page
c) Follow the instructions on the second page as to whether or not you should continue (continue no matter what)
d) Fill out the short survey on the third page
e) Send the filled out survey in the document back to me with your name (or a random word) in the file name
Send it to me at
Thank you in advance for your help!
Here's the word document: (right click, "Save Target As") [glow=red]
Internet Addiction Test.doc[/glow]
Happy testing!