Hey gang,
I'd thought I'd post this question so we can all indulge ourselves by writing about our favorite OLP song. And I know we'd all love to hear about each other.
What's you favorite song? Why? What does it mean to you?
ONLY ONE PLEASE! This may sound almost impossible, but I feel it will make the process more fun and challenge us to really consider our answer.
I'll go first:
Life (Spiritual Machines)
Truth be told, I didn't like this song initially, I thought there were better single opportunities on the album.
I came around to the song in the spring of 2001. I was excited to see OLP on Conan (my all-time favorite talk show host) and this was the song they performed.
That song choice, in and of itself at the time, was unremarkable. What moved me about it at the time, was more personal. my childhood dog was very sick, and it was clear he would not be with us much longer. I was 16 and this was the most significant loss I'd ever experienced (It remains the same to this day, I've been lucky). Less than a week later, he was gone.
The song was important because I felt extremely guilty. I remember thinking it wouldn't be right to ever experience joy again. I thought that if I'd ever felt happy or content again, it would somehow undermine his importance to me.
Life connected with me profoundly at the time. It didn't make it better or even easier, but I made me feel it was okay to move on, and what's more, I could do it on my terms and when I was ready, joy and contentment would be there waiting for me, no matter how long that took. I listened to it a lot, for several years, and I haven't heard a song since that connected with me as deeply as that song did.
Since then, the song has reapplied to many challenging times, and reminds me it's healthy to move on, but I can do on my own terms, and life will be waiting for me, and I will survive.