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Serious discussion area.
You realize that sometimes you're not okay, you level off, you level off, you level off...


Postby Axtech » 12/6/2003, 8:56 pm

Well, the other one got screwed up with the bugs, so this is the new one. There were actually nine posts on the next page, with no new page coming up at all. Same thing that happened to the last one. :(

Okay, enough with the sadness. Let's start this one off right.

LET'S GET NAKED! :dance:
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Postby Penguin Josh » 12/6/2003, 9:05 pm

Ok I am royaly pissed. I had been playing Wild Arms 3 all day and had gotten into a nine hour sidequest that you can't save during. And 6.5 hours into it I lost power do to this NorEaster and I am like :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :puppyeyes: :crying: :crying: :cry: :wall:
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Postby ihatethunderbay » 12/6/2003, 9:10 pm


hating thunder bay since 2003
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Postby Johnny » 12/6/2003, 9:10 pm

I come to the belief that I don't have very good friends. I have known them for 7 years and I have never felt this way about them before :uh:
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Postby Penguin Josh » 12/6/2003, 9:11 pm

maybe you are spending to much time on the CM and not enough with them?
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Postby Johnny » 12/6/2003, 9:24 pm

Naw, I don't think thats its.
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Postby Henrietta » 12/6/2003, 9:38 pm

Friends are overrated.

Postby Joey » 12/6/2003, 9:38 pm

this is gonna be part of my friend and her bf's christmas present :lol:




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Postby Henrietta » 12/6/2003, 9:41 pm


Postby Random Name » 12/6/2003, 9:44 pm

I was all "my friends suck" a little while ago.
then I realized that it was my fault.
(I don't mean to imply anything)
But now everything rocks again.

except the wings.
Who somehow learned how to play really bad hockey :uh:
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Postby Long Jonny » 12/6/2003, 9:47 pm

i must be on the first page of this thread!
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Postby .:x:Marissa:x:. » 12/6/2003, 9:48 pm

i second that.

my sister just got home, and she ate the last brownie and now i am very angry.

Guy: Her locker's down the hall, I've counted 17 from mine.
Girl: Does he see me? Does he even know that I'm close by?
Guy: We're in the hallway, always at half past nine.
Girl: Would he ever get to know me? Would he take the time?

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Postby Henrietta » 12/6/2003, 9:51 pm

Maybe I should go on a mission.

Postby Random Name » 12/6/2003, 9:52 pm

mission impossible?
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Postby Henrietta » 12/6/2003, 9:57 pm

No. Mission Possible!

Postby xoNoDoubt69 » 12/6/2003, 10:22 pm


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Postby .:x:Marissa:x:. » 12/6/2003, 10:23 pm

these ones were really good too :cry:
they were like the bakery kind....so much icing *yum*


Guy: Her locker's down the hall, I've counted 17 from mine.
Girl: Does he see me? Does he even know that I'm close by?
Guy: We're in the hallway, always at half past nine.
Girl: Would he ever get to know me? Would he take the time?

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Postby Joey » 12/6/2003, 10:25 pm

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Postby xoNoDoubt69 » 12/6/2003, 10:29 pm


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Postby Long Jonny » 12/6/2003, 10:47 pm

most posts ever for me in one day today :)
67... and counting
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