Random Name wrote:The fact that you guys are totally willing to slander his name and assume that he has had a drug addiction problem, completly baffles me. I'm genuinely offended at your total lack of sympathy and and humanity your quick judgement of character. I really don't give a shit if it's true or not. I don't know this person. I doubt any of you, do. So what gives you the right to talk such shit about someone else? Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I could make a lot of judgements about some of the stuff you, Christine, have said here, but I don't. So really, grow the fuck up and stop spreading rumours.
Besides his personal life is none of our goddamn business. And when he opened up to the one person he was responsible for here, you guys attack him for his honesty. Does it sound like he could have been in rehab? Sure. But it also sounds to me like a traumatic brain injury. Does that matter? Fuck no, because whatever the hell happened to him IS NONE OF OUR BUSINESS.
So I'm done. You guys can go circle jerk to the sound of your bullshit theories as to why your art arrived late. I don't care. Does it suck for Johnny? Fuck yes. That's brutal, and I'm sorry that it isn't getting done. I would be pissed. But there is nothing else to be done, and calling him a drug addict or whatever other names you want, isn't going to change that.
And the award for most immature post goes to...
Damn I'm glad Crusty is so smart. Good replies guys.