Ghost Town Comic

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A pop-up book of flowers from grade 4 are driving her insane...

Ghost Town Comic

Postby Tinman » 4/24/2015, 6:23 am ... -a-mystery

My friend quit his day job to pursue his dream of drawing comics. He hooked up with another local St. Louis writer and they are working on "Ghost Town", which tells an action/adventure story about a dystopian America which is completely controlled by a mega conglomerate, the Lollipop Corporation.

There are panels at the link which is their kick starter. They are halfway to their goal, but time is running short. I really believe in my friend, Jesse, and think he's an amazing artist. I'm horrible at promoting, but figured i'd post it here and ask anyone who is interested to please help support, and even if you can't, if you know anyone who would be into this sort of thing, maybe pass it along. I know that's asking for a lot, but i think if you see the work they've done, you'll agree it's a solid job!

Thanks :)
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