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ClumsyMonkey.net • View topic - Johnathan (Johnny)


Johnathan (Johnny)

You need to know your friends

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Johnathan (Johnny)

Postby nelison » 12/9/2004, 12:20 am

This thread is dedicated to ... so get going and talk about him!
I can't wait until the day schools are over-funded and the military is forced to hold bake sales to buy planes.

"It's a great thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself. Makes you wonder what else you can do that you've forgotten about"
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Postby happening fish » 12/9/2004, 10:26 am

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Postby namkablam » 12/9/2004, 10:30 am

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Postby Joe Cooler » 12/9/2004, 11:06 am

Joe Cooler

Postby nikki4982 » 12/9/2004, 11:07 am

<center><img src="../phpBB2/files/squiggle.gif">

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Postby xjsb125 » 12/9/2004, 12:18 pm

The accident prone good guy. Johnny is our resident post-whore guitar hero. His computer illiteracy drives us batty, but we still love the guy. A cool guy with big dreams. :D
<nam_kablam> I'll be naked holding a ":O" sign while pumping their door
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Postby Random Name » 12/9/2004, 12:47 pm

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Postby happening fish » 12/9/2004, 1:10 pm

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Postby Bandalero » 12/9/2004, 1:23 pm

Whenever death may surprise us,
let it be welcome
if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear
and another hand reaches out to take up our arms.

Nobody's gonna miss me, no tears will fall, no ones gonna weap, when i hit that road.
my boots are broken my brain is sore, fer keepin' up with thier little world, i got a heavy load.
gonna leave 'em all just like before, i'm big city bound, your always 17 in your hometown
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Postby Long Jonny » 12/9/2004, 2:04 pm

Damn good guy!

Johnny is always confused- but it gives us on the CM something to joke about.

Johnathan, as voted by the CM, . I apparently do not. I will fight it to death!!

Johnny and I were in a great story that some of you may have heard of. It is called

I haven't heard him play, but I can already tell he is one hell of a guitarist.

He is a devoted OLP fan, and even more devoted Emtee fan.
He is a whore. A post whore that is.

Great guy all around!
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Postby nikki4982 » 12/9/2004, 3:55 pm

<center><img src="../phpBB2/files/squiggle.gif">

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Postby Axtech » 12/9/2004, 7:30 pm

Johnny once asked me if he was annoying as a n00b.

I summed up my first (and continued) impression of him in two words:

Pleasantly befuddled.

When I meet Johnny: jam session
- -

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Postby Henrietta » 12/9/2004, 7:40 pm


Postby thirdhour » 12/9/2004, 10:48 pm

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Postby beautiful liar » 12/10/2004, 1:12 am

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Postby Dr. Hobo » 12/10/2004, 1:14 am

go fuck yourself.
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Postby Johnny » 12/10/2004, 11:56 pm

Professional Canadian.
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Postby sandsleeper » 12/11/2004, 1:25 am

Lick a finger: feel the now.
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Postby Neil » 3/11/2007, 12:32 pm

Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil. - Niccoló Machiavelli
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Postby crustine » 3/11/2007, 1:17 pm

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