Another band with no true comparison

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Another band with no true comparison

Postby carleiu » 4/4/2012, 1:50 am

Jeremy recently said his dream band to tour with would be Wilco. That tour, if by some miracle it were to happen, would be the place at which I'd die happy (assuming my death occurred right at the end of the final encore).

Does anyone else listen to them? Definitely a very different sound than OLP, but between them, OLP, Radiohead, and Incubus, those are the few bands that come to mind for me when thinking about bands that have a totally unique sound. Obviously, everyone here has heard OLP, most people here have heard Radiohead and Incubus, but in my experience Wilco tends to fly under the radar for a lot of people. So, aside from myself, are there any Wilco lovers here?
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