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ClumsyMonkey.net • View topic - Your Favorite Our Lady Peace song?


Your Favorite Our Lady Peace song?

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Your Favorite Our Lady Peace song?

Postby A2K » 10/20/2018, 12:30 am

Hey gang,

I'd thought I'd post this question so we can all indulge ourselves by writing about our favorite OLP song. And I know we'd all love to hear about each other.

What's you favorite song? Why? What does it mean to you?

ONLY ONE PLEASE! This may sound almost impossible, but I feel it will make the process more fun and challenge us to really consider our answer.

I'll go first:

Life (Spiritual Machines)

Truth be told, I didn't like this song initially, I thought there were better single opportunities on the album.

I came around to the song in the spring of 2001. I was excited to see OLP on Conan (my all-time favorite talk show host) and this was the song they performed.

That song choice, in and of itself at the time, was unremarkable. What moved me about it at the time, was more personal. my childhood dog was very sick, and it was clear he would not be with us much longer. I was 16 and this was the most significant loss I'd ever experienced (It remains the same to this day, I've been lucky). Less than a week later, he was gone.

The song was important because I felt extremely guilty. I remember thinking it wouldn't be right to ever experience joy again. I thought that if I'd ever felt happy or content again, it would somehow undermine his importance to me.

Life connected with me profoundly at the time. It didn't make it better or even easier, but I made me feel it was okay to move on, and what's more, I could do it on my terms and when I was ready, joy and contentment would be there waiting for me, no matter how long that took. I listened to it a lot, for several years, and I haven't heard a song since that connected with me as deeply as that song did.

Since then, the song has reapplied to many challenging times, and reminds me it's healthy to move on, but I can do on my own terms, and life will be waiting for me, and I will survive.
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Re: Your Favorite Our Lady Peace song?

Postby titanMAX » 10/26/2018, 6:00 pm

Honestly, I've always related and keep going back to Carnival. I'm at a point where I'm now an adult with real world responsibilities and the grind of it all really takes it toll. I never really got that when I was a kid, even in high school. Carnival for me acknowledges all of my current frustrations and tells me it'll get better, which I really appreciate now more than I did before.
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Re: Your Favorite Our Lady Peace song?

Postby Tinman » 10/31/2018, 9:38 am

Wonderful future. To me, its the peek and end of an era and the end of OLP as I knew them. It's my favorite song of theirs. People always talk about how simple of a song it is. I never saw it that way. To me, simple or construction or not, everything together is technical and really the height of OLP. I wish i could see an alternate dimension where they stuck with Lani for their 5th album.
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Re: Your Favorite Our Lady Peace song?

Postby Heavy Alibi » 7/30/2021, 8:27 pm

Chalk me up for Wonderful Future as well. It's where I get my username after all.

The song represents so many things, the best of which is an ethereal, beautiful piece of musical art.
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Re: Your Favorite Our Lady Peace song?

Postby Furious George » 8/1/2021, 2:01 pm

Argh. Damn you. This is indeed hard. I feel I might be able to do better picking a favorite song per era/lineup change. (ie. Arnold/Mike, Bob Rock + Steve, post-Bob/Lader/Jeremy departure)

That being said I do have to go with "The Wonderful Future" as well as it really felt like the culmination of everything that lineup put out (roughly.. I'm combining Coutts/Eacrett here). There had already been such a massive evolution from album to album up to that point, but even within Spiritual Machines, "The Wonderful Future" lived up to it's name by shifting things even further sonically.

It felt like you were stepping into this wild new future sound the band had never done before and each band member was really pulling out all the stops with everything they had learned up to that point. Production just went next level with the layers/textures that had already been increasing with every previous album, every band member was pushing themselves to some of their creative and technical best, and it was just great and unique songwriting in general. There had been a lot of amazing songs on every album each with their own appeal, but sonically, this was the kind of song that group could not have been done in say the Naveed days.
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Re: Your Favorite Our Lady Peace song?

Postby gibbits » 8/3/2021, 10:29 am

As much as I love Junkie the older I get the more it's all about If You Believe.
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Re: Your Favorite Our Lady Peace song?

Postby OLPManiac » 8/7/2021, 3:08 pm

This is a very hard one...and it will be a surprise for many...I'm undecided between Paper Moon and Rabbits...I'll pick the first...it is my favourite because it helps me through hard times and I really like Steve's solo.
Also the bit of Raine's falsetto during the chorus is unbelievable...and the band singing together in another piece is good too...drums and bass flow perfectly too.
Probably I like it more than any song for the personal meaning but for me is one of the best OLP'S songs
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Re: Your Favorite Our Lady Peace song?

Postby Illusion » 11/25/2021, 3:22 pm

My favorite song is definitely Life. I started listening to OLP in 2003 and bought their Live album followed by Naveed, Happiness and Gravity. I liked the band and enjoyed both their Gravity and pre-Gravity works (which is kind of odd, I guess, since most people are on either one side of the fence or the other) but it wasn't until 2004 in the latter part of High School when I lost a close friendship and was going through a very tough time that I listened to the full version of Life. The song got me through a very difficult time when I was struggling with severe depression and is still something that I turn to. I know that the song has a simple meaning but I believe that it has an incredible uplifting power for somebody who is going through a difficult time.

I wish that the band would play this song live more. It deserves to be put on the same pedestal as Innocent and I really believe that it is something that can help people who are in a difficult place find hope when they hear it.
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Re: Your Favorite Our Lady Peace song?

Postby Flynner » 12/10/2021, 7:25 am

This is too hard lol....but if I had to pick just one it would probably be "Are you sad" . Very emotional song and reminds me people I know who have gone through tough times, love the lyrics and the vocals on this tune and it is just really fun to sing too
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Re: Your Favorite Our Lady Peace song?

Postby AntonioGustavo » 11/27/2024, 5:36 am

Alrighty aphrodite!!
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