Melissa (xoNoDoubt69)

You need to know your friends

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Postby Smooke » 11/15/2005, 4:21 am

Still, Jennifer is what I called her and Jennifer it's gunna be 4ever and ever, AMEN!!!

JENNIFER!!! :love:
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Postby xoNoDoubt69 » 11/15/2005, 5:39 am

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Postby happening fish » 11/15/2005, 8:32 am

Jennifer, have you met Steve?
awkward is the new cool
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Postby xoNoDoubt69 » 11/15/2005, 9:12 am

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Postby PlasticAss » 11/15/2005, 9:17 am

[11:01] *Axtech LUMPS
[11:02] <xonodoubt69> hi!!!!!
[11:02] <xonodoubt69> you should get that checked out rob :O
[11:02] <PlasticAss> yeah lumps are no good :(
[11:03] <Axtech> hahaha
[11:07] <PlasticAss> jennifer is right, make a doctor's appointment
[11:09] *** Disconnected
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Postby Smooke » 11/16/2005, 5:54 pm


JENNIFER!!! :love:
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Postby nikki4982 » 11/17/2005, 5:55 am

:lol: Poor Melissa.
<table><tr><td>~ Nikki Edwards
Queen of the Harpies <img src="../phpBB2/files/queen_of_harpies.gif" align="texttop">
</td><td><font color="orange">President of the Pookie Brigade</font>
"If you put those on the internet, I'll kill you guys!" - Jer</td></tr></table>
<center><img src="../phpBB2/files/squiggle.gif">

<font color="#3C8C8B">Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try, no hell below us,
above us only sky, imagine all the people, <font color="#FFFFFF">living</font> for today...</font>

<font color="#50B4B3">Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do, nothing to kill or die
for, no religion too, imagine all the people, living <font color="#FFFFFF">life</font> in peace...</font>

<font color="#89CDCC">Imagine no possesions, I wonder if you can, no need for greed or <font color="#FFFFFF">hunger</font>,
a brotherhood of man, imagine all the people, sharing all the <font color="#FFFFFF">world</font>...</font>

<font color="#B1DFDE">You may say I'm a <font color="#FFFFFF">dreamer</font>, but I'm not the only one, I hope
some day you'll join us, and the world will <font color="#FFFFFF">live</font> as one.</font></center></font>
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Postby Axtech » 2/27/2006, 10:44 am

Fark loves giraffes almost as much as Melissa.
- -
Every now and then I fall out into open air just to feel the wind, rain and everything.
And though the hum and sway gets me down
, I'll find the way to peace and openness.

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Postby nikki4982 » 2/27/2006, 11:21 am

Another one? :lol: Geez. Fark really DOES love giraffes!
<table><tr><td>~ Nikki Edwards
Queen of the Harpies <img src="../phpBB2/files/queen_of_harpies.gif" align="texttop">
</td><td><font color="orange">President of the Pookie Brigade</font>
"If you put those on the internet, I'll kill you guys!" - Jer</td></tr></table>
<center><img src="../phpBB2/files/squiggle.gif">

<font color="#3C8C8B">Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try, no hell below us,
above us only sky, imagine all the people, <font color="#FFFFFF">living</font> for today...</font>

<font color="#50B4B3">Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do, nothing to kill or die
for, no religion too, imagine all the people, living <font color="#FFFFFF">life</font> in peace...</font>

<font color="#89CDCC">Imagine no possesions, I wonder if you can, no need for greed or <font color="#FFFFFF">hunger</font>,
a brotherhood of man, imagine all the people, sharing all the <font color="#FFFFFF">world</font>...</font>

<font color="#B1DFDE">You may say I'm a <font color="#FFFFFF">dreamer</font>, but I'm not the only one, I hope
some day you'll join us, and the world will <font color="#FFFFFF">live</font> as one.</font></center></font>
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Postby xoNoDoubt69 » 2/27/2006, 1:05 pm

:O giraffes are taking over the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :D
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Postby Axtech » 3/20/2006, 1:30 am

- -
Every now and then I fall out into open air just to feel the wind, rain and everything.
And though the hum and sway gets me down
, I'll find the way to peace and openness.

"Robbo" - © Alex (happeningfish)...^5 ^5 v v
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Postby xoNoDoubt69 » 3/20/2006, 1:36 am

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Postby Axtech » 3/20/2006, 1:59 am

- -
Every now and then I fall out into open air just to feel the wind, rain and everything.
And though the hum and sway gets me down
, I'll find the way to peace and openness.

"Robbo" - © Alex (happeningfish)...^5 ^5 v v
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Postby nikki4982 » 3/20/2006, 2:01 am

:lol: :lol: :lol:
<table><tr><td>~ Nikki Edwards
Queen of the Harpies <img src="../phpBB2/files/queen_of_harpies.gif" align="texttop">
</td><td><font color="orange">President of the Pookie Brigade</font>
"If you put those on the internet, I'll kill you guys!" - Jer</td></tr></table>
<center><img src="../phpBB2/files/squiggle.gif">

<font color="#3C8C8B">Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try, no hell below us,
above us only sky, imagine all the people, <font color="#FFFFFF">living</font> for today...</font>

<font color="#50B4B3">Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do, nothing to kill or die
for, no religion too, imagine all the people, living <font color="#FFFFFF">life</font> in peace...</font>

<font color="#89CDCC">Imagine no possesions, I wonder if you can, no need for greed or <font color="#FFFFFF">hunger</font>,
a brotherhood of man, imagine all the people, sharing all the <font color="#FFFFFF">world</font>...</font>

<font color="#B1DFDE">You may say I'm a <font color="#FFFFFF">dreamer</font>, but I'm not the only one, I hope
some day you'll join us, and the world will <font color="#FFFFFF">live</font> as one.</font></center></font>
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Postby faninor » 3/20/2006, 11:36 am

Blue got freakish. :O
I <3 Kiwi Image

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Postby Axtech » 7/16/2006, 8:08 pm

- -
Every now and then I fall out into open air just to feel the wind, rain and everything.
And though the hum and sway gets me down
, I'll find the way to peace and openness.

"Robbo" - © Alex (happeningfish)...^5 ^5 v v
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Postby myownsatellite » 7/16/2006, 8:33 pm

Aww, it's so tiny.

"Wow, nice to meet you. Nine years huh? That's a really long time. Are you going to stab me or something? Because if you are, can we get it over with?" ~Jer

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Postby Dr. Hobo » 7/16/2006, 8:56 pm

that giraffe mooned me :(
i feel violated
go fuck yourself.
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Postby Kathy » 7/17/2006, 4:41 am

cutest. pic. ever!

<img src="">
<I><B>"I know this sounds corny, and I might be a little bit drunk, but honest to god, thank you everybody"</B></I>
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Postby xoNoDoubt69 » 7/17/2006, 4:46 am

awwwwww! *steals baby giraffe*
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