Buffalo, NY - November 8, 2021

Thousands can't figure out just what they did, just what they, just what they did...

Buffalo, NY - November 8, 2021

Postby Hugh23 » 11/9/2021, 4:24 am

Monday, 11-8-21 at The Town Ballroom in downtown Buffalo, NY

1. The Message
2. Superman's Dead
3. One Man Army
4. Innocent
5. Everyone's a Junkie
6. Thief
7. Ballad of a Poet
8. Seasons (OLP cover originally by Future Islands)
9. Drop Me in the Water
10. Wish You Well
12. Naveed
13. Is Anybody Home?
14. Maps (OLP cover originally by the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs)
15. Clumsy (followed by a 5 minute encore break with screaming/cheering fans)

1. 4AM
2. Starseed

10:33 pm

I have photos and video clips to share later today. Here is a teaser:


There's one small difference between my setlist and the setlist from the OLP stage. Hint: #12.
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